This year, Ramadan begins on April 23rd and ends on May 23rd. It is the ninth, and also considered holiest, month of the Islamic calendar. It is believed that the Qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad during this month.
Muslims worldwide will be fasting, praying, and seeking Allah. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, fasting is a Muslim’s highest form of worship. They fast from dawn to sunset every day of Ramadan to suppress their earthly desires, receive atonement for their sins, and increase their faith and devotion to Allah. In the evenings, they gather to break the fast, enjoy time together, pray, and read the Qur’an.
During this month, many Muslims are spiritually attentive and are seeking revelation from Allah. They believe dreams are a way he reveals himself to people and are especially aware of dreams and visions during Ramadan.
Ramadan is also a time when many Muslims increase their charitable giving to the needy which is another one of the Five Pillars.
This yearly observance provides Christians with a specific opportunity to pray for and engage with Muslims.
Pray for that Christ will revealed as Lord and Savior through dreams, visions, and His people.
Pray for new Muslim-background believers as they respond to questions and scrutiny for not participating in Ramadan festivities.
Pray for believers to be emboldened by the Holy Spirit in taking opportunities to share the Gospel and exemplifying the love of Christ with their Muslim friends and family.
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