3 Ways to Share Jesus Christ With Your Community


Have you ever had one of those moments where you know you should share Christ with someone but you aren’t sure how? Maybe you were in line at the grocery store and the cashier told you their day wasn’t going well. Perhaps you were at a friend’s house for dinner and they shared a major struggle with you.

The Gospel is for everyone at any time.

As Christians, we know this to be true and are given daily opportunities to share Him with people around us. We also know that Jesus is the only way to the Father. In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” His sacrifice for us has brought gracefreedom, and healing.

Jesus is the source of life. What does that mean for Christians? It means we should share His love with our friends, family, coworkers, and community. Let’s take a look and see what Jesus Himself has to say about this.

1. Be present with others. Jesus told Zacchaeus that he must come and stay at his house, today. This is one of many examples where Jesus teaches us to be present with people. He was willing to sit with sinners and to eat with the most outcast people in society. Invite people into your home and break bread with them. The act of being present with people provides an opportunity to show them Jesus’ love (Luke 19:1-10).

2. See people as Jesus would. Jesus saw people at their point of need. He walked through Jericho and restored sight to a blind man who was begging on the roadside. Crowds tried to silence the blind man as He called to Jesus for help. When no one else was willing to see this man, Jesus did (Luke 18: 35-43). There are so many examples in the Bible of Jesus seeing people despite others’ disregard. Take that extra minute at the grocery store to listen to the cashier who had a bad day or to minister to your friend who is struggling, and show them Christ’s compassion.

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3. Go and speak His name. Christ calls us to go into the world and share His Gospel of salvation, and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). This can be done in your neighborhood, school, workplace, or even your home. Seek out opportunities to tell Jesus’ grace, truth, and love to others, whether it’s in your own community or anywhere else you go.

Spread the Word

Did you know that Faith Comes By Hearing aims to work with you to spread God’s Word to all people? We want to equip you to do this in practical ways that meet people at their point of need. The Bible.is app is a free and easy-to-use tool that can help you bring Jesus’ name into conversation with others. Anyone with a smartphone can access the app, which features the Bible in over 1,100 languages. This means that millions of people can have access to God’s Word in their own language today. Isn’t that exciting? The next time you wonder how to share God’s Word with someone, just open Bible.is and easily show them verses that help them understand that Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life—that He died for them and rose again, and He cares for them. The Bible.is app makes it easy for people to read God’s Word or to hear it in dramatized audio.

How are you daily bringing God’s Word to people in your community? His Word is for everyone!


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