Appointment of Bramuel Musya to Executive Team of ION
Dr. David Swarr welcomed Bramuel Musya as part of the Executive Team of ION.
Bramuel shared that he is glad to bring back to Africa the global voice as he interacts with others. With a background in media and television production, Bramuel became aware of the need to disciple and teach ‘national missionaries’ on how to disciple people who cannot read.
In the past Bramuel has worked closely with both Avery Willis and Samuel Chiang, watching God build up a movement across Africa.
New Member of ION Advisory Board
Dr. Bauta Motty has agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. Dr. Motty is from Nigeria and serves as Provost of the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, one of the most influential seminaries of West Africa.
African Orality Leadership Team
The Africa Orality Leadership Team was established to give structure to the orality network for Africa. Dr. Victor Madziakapitais is the Chair, providing overall leadership and in charge of resource mobilization. Bramuel will be staying on as Secretary and responsible in the area of training. Emmanuel Chemengich will be responsible for logistics and theology. Dr Timothy Wachira will take Church Mobilization and be Vice Chair working under Victor.
There is a big vision in Africa, and high commitment from the African orality leaders. They are asking ION to keep their leadership team in prayer, that they may steer this vision in the right direction.
Africa Consultation Report: October 2015
Between 115 and 120 people attended the Africa Consultation in October of 2015. All had a vested interest in growing together, learning together and applying the principles of orality in their region. The conference was held at Daystar University, which is the largest Christian University in Africa and is known throughout Africa for its communications program.
There were two tracks in the consultation. The first was the orality forum, which was attended by 18 theological educators and around 60 people who were in other ministries, such as missions directors, pastors, and church planters. The ION team led the group through understanding Orality and how it applies to anyone designing training, education, mission-to-discipleship, or strategies among high orality-reliant peoples..
The second track was called a practitioner and training workshop. It was led by a panel of experienced STS, LW people. Jerry Wiles reported that the stories that were shared were amazing – there was great creativity in regards to discipleship, church planting, conflict resolution and social justice.
Attending the workshop were a number of national directors of various entities, such as the fellowship of Christian Union, as well as students from various theological and academic institutions.
The feedback on the consultation as a whole was that this was a historical event. There was interest from other educators in having consultations in their institutions. Already one is arranged for Ethiopia in 2017.
Bramuel Musya reported that the outcome of the Nairobi event is that a large orality movement in Africa has been created, bringing together church leadership, theological and a many other key players in the missions movement.
Consultation in Nairobi, Kenya: February 9-14, 2016
The second consultation held at Daystar University was a follow up from the October Orality Consultation. The focus of this consultation was exploring ways to begin a curriculum in oral instructional communication and was attended by many theological educators and church practitioners.
Zambia Workshop Report: January 26 – February 7, 2016
Dr. Charles Madinger represented ION at the Esther Workshop, which trained close to 100 caretakers of orphans and exploited children, as well as volunteers who work with them. A new radio drama produced by TWR & Focus on the Family was used in the 3-day workshop, providing an excellent example of the use of using orality in training.
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