An Annotated Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography

During July 2014, International Orality Network held a global consultation on ‘orality and theological education’ with the theme of Honor and Shame & Assessment of Orality Preference. Little did we know at that time that several new books on this subject matter were going to be published, nor did we know that Christianity Today deemed one of the topics to be so important that they devoted major coverage on the issue of Honor and Shame in the postmodern generation; nor did we know that a brand new Network relating to Honor and Shame would be formed as a direct result of this Consultation. Furthermore, at that time we also did not know the vast interests expressed through educational and theological institutions with respect to the assessment of orality preference and that of the oral preference learners. Thus, in order to serve both interests well, we have decided to expand the annotated bibliography chapter that was originally provided in the book, Honor and Shame & Assessment of Orality Preference. We enlarged the selection, topics, and expertise in both domains. The contributors, William A. Coppedge and Joni A. Chiang, were both participants in that defining consultation in 2014. Mr. Coppedge and Ms. Chiang are both at the University of Edinburgh.


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