Bible 365

By Davar Partners

“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation – if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.”
– 1 Peter 2:2-3

What is Bible 365?

Bible 365 provides the pure spiritual milk of God’s Word that allows believers to grow up into salvation. Designed as a resource to promote Scripture engagement among oral learners, Bible 365 offers listeners a valuable passage of Scripture for every day of the year. Bible 365 includes approximately 20% of the entire Bible broken into small, story-based sections that range chronologically through the Old and New Testaments from Genesis to Revelation. It provides listeners with a solid foundation for Biblical understanding, personal engagement, and transformational discipleship in an organized and methodical format.

As a supplement to accompany Full Bible recordings, Davar provides Bible 365 to support audio Scripture engagement. In areas where Bible translations are new or access is limited, Bible 365 provides listeners with an opportunity to gain a wider view of the Bible as a whole. It breaks down Biblical story content into daily portions for discussion and understanding. And, it provides oral communities with a valuable listening resource for discipleship.

Since 2015, Davar has produced Bible 365 in 6 languages. In 2018 alone, we have 14 Bible 365 productions scheduled for recording. We passionately desire to make God’s Word available AND to equip believers with resources that facilitate growth and discipleship.

Find out more using on their website linked below.


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