Did you know that it is estimated that there are about 350 unreached people groups (UPGs) living in the United States? The majority of UPGs learn and pass on their history, heritage, faith and culture through oral communication. “We must welcome the unreached,” as noted in this short video provided by the Global Frontier’s Mission (GFM) group.
Please watch this short video provided by the Global Frontier’s Mission (GFM) group:
We Must Welcome the Unreached
What a great video! We are so thankful for ministries like GFM allowing us to share their research and discoveries. Indeed, “We must welcome the unreached.” The majority of the tools and methods used to bring people to Jesus and disciple them use highly literate communication styles. Scriptures in Use Bridges training empowers and equips believers to communicate the message of Jesus and to disciple new believers to maturity through the use of oral communication styles. Word for word, memorized scripture storying becomes the backbone of a deep and reproducible faith that can transform entire communities and cultures. Below is a testimony from a recent stateside training.
Before attending the stateside bridges training, one brother engaged his friends and family in debate trying to prove to them that their existing beliefs were faulty. During our week of training he shared, “I wanted to break them first. But now I want to feed them with stories.”
Join our refugee brother in praying that the stories he shares will feed his family and friends, that they will come to be convinced of truth and transformed by the power of the message of Jesus. We praise God for the way engaging in the story of scripture has powerfully transformed and healed our brother and we trust that God will do the same for his family and friends.
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