Orality Bible Project

No Place Left are designing a Bible storybook for making disciples of people who cannot read.

The vision is to equip all Jesus followers to reach every tribe on earth with stories of hope about our Messiah by removing the barrier of language translation.

Each master icon illustrates the Bible story’s main idea and fuels the imagination.

The sketches are designed to train disciples to remember and tell each story to their family and friends. All of the stories are available to download along with coloring sheets.

“A highly effective way to reach oral cultures is by telling the stories of the Bible. Since storytelling is highly relational and social, Bible stories can spread rapidly within a people group. Many missionaries have proven that Bible storying is effective for evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and even leadership training.” – Finishing the Task (FTT, http://finishingthetask.com)


You can view and use their resources on their new website below.


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