Got a resource or story to share?

This is a community website, and we need YOU!

You are invited to share stories, useful resources, events and opportunities to collaborate on our site.

Do you have an inspiring story, or know of a useful resource?

Our community site aims to serve the Orality network by providing current news, stories, media and other resources from people around the world.  Let us know if you have something to share!

What are we looking for?

Everything we post should serve the vision of ‘Influencing the Body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners‘.

It can be a resource, a story, an article, a PDF, a video, or sound recording.  Whatever the form, our desire is that it serves as an encouragement to the network and those working with oral learners globally.

What is the process?

First, please email us at [email protected] to let us know about the content you wish to share. Please tell us the web address if it has already been posted online, a brief description, and why you think it’s worth sharing.

Once approved by our team, it will go into our ‘Community News’ Section, and may be featured in our newsletter updates.  We always link any content back to where it was originally posted.

Do you have an Orality event to share?

We would love to help you get the word out about your Orality training event or conference.  Please submit your event here.

Do you have a job posting or looking for help with a project?

As a network, our goal is to influence the body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners. This is a huge task, and one which no single organization within ION can achieve on its own. We have created a space for network members to serve each other by seeing each other’s needs met through collaboration.  Browse existing posts, or submit your own opportunity here.

Want to write content for the site?

If you think you could write content for the network, you can also become a contributor.


Join the ION Community!

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