Global ION Events
Latest Past Events
Reaching the New Marginalized
ION ZOOM-TABLE: "Reaching the New Marginalized and the Further Marginalized." Due to health issues and crisis interventions from some of our panelists we need to reschedule the event. The Web-Table Discussion will now gather on April 9, 2021. Thanks for your understanding! And, please remember the panelists who...
October – December 2019 ION Praise and Prayer Update
Pray from your locationOctober - December 2019 Praise and Prayer Update is now available: We invite you to join in united prayer each month with us!
Back to Orality: Embodying Jesus in Post-Textual Europe
Oxford Centre for Mission Studies St Philip & St James Church, Woodstock Road, OxfordFor centuries, European Christianity has been shaped by a strong, over-arching cultural norm: reading! Believers are encouraged to read the Bible and Christian books while ministers form their preaching and service by studying commentaries and works of theology. In fact, the impact of the printed...