Justice in January – Praying for the Persecuted Church
From your own phone Dial: 1+ (712) 775-7035 Access Code: 281207#January 29-30th MARK YOUR CALENDARS Invitation to all our ION Pray-ers & Intercessors We are very grateful to be an advocate for the Persecuted Church. ION serves and participates as a global stakeholder for the Grassroots Prayer Call for IDOP that falls on the first...
20-28 Pray for the Global Prayer Leaders Summit in SA
Unnamed Venue Cape Town, South AfricaION Prayer asks you to link together to pray for this Global Prayer Leaders Summit... Please pray from 20 -28 APRIL 2016 for the leaders as they travel and gather in Cape Town, South Africa. 22-26 APRIL 2016 Global Prayer Leaders Summit Posted on April 16,...
29th (9pm) – 30 (9pm) APRIL 24 hours of Prayer for the Persecuted Church & the Harvest
Join as we cry out for the PERSECUTED in another 24 hours of Prayer. Join for 5 minutes, join for an hour. This year ION Prayer is committed to linking together each 5th Friday in prayer for the Persecuted Church and the Harvest across the Nations. MARK...
World Refugee Sunday
#WorldRefugeeSunday, June 19 & 26th, 2016 Resources:
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Looking to the Global Prayer World: Partnering Together in Global Prayer Strategies ION Prayer invites you to link in alongside millions around the globe in the 30 Days of Global Prayer for the Muslim World, prayer initiative again this year. Mark your calendars and share with your prayer...
Houston Bible Storytelling Event Join us for a fun, interactive afternoon
Houston First Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall 7401 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX, United StatesHouston Bible Storytelling Event/ Oral Bible Storying Join us for a fun, interactive afternoon Sat, Jun 11 at 1:00 PM, Houston, TX By: StoryRunners LEARN how to easily tell a short Bible story naturally and accurately. • ENGAGE in dynamic discussions of Bible stories in...
World Refugee Sunday
#WorldRefugeeSunday, June 19 & 26th, 2016 Resources:
Preparing for the upcoming 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for ION
ION July 11th thru July 31st, 21 days of prayer and fasting* As we prepare for the upcoming 21 days, we want everyone to understand that no matter what degree or physical mode our time of fasting takes on, it is all worthy and all needed. Each...
ION 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
July 11th thru July 31st 21 days of prayer and fasting* We would ask you to consider joining in a 21 day Daniel Fast. The idea of the Daniel Fast is to honor God above everything else. Why fast? The aim of a Daniel Fast is to grow...
Pray with us for the UPRISING (United Prayer Rising) World Prayer Assembly
July 26-30, 2016 For our Prayer Calendars WPA/World Prayer Youth Assembly UPRISING (United Prayer Rising) July 26-30, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea For the real time LIVE STREAMING link, information and schedule: Following the World Prayer Assembly (WPA) held in Jakarta in 2012, there was...
5th Friday Prayer Calls in 2016 for Persecuted Church
PRAYER CONFERENCE CALL Event: Join in July with the Persecuted Join for 2 minutes, 2 hours or all 24 hours. ION Prayer invites you to link together again for the 2016 Every 5th Friday to pray for the persecuted around the globe. These calls are facilitated...
Praying for the Oral & Bibleless Peoples in South Sudan
Each month the ION Prayer Team would like to help you to have the opportunity to corporately pray each month strategically together. We will post a new event each month. Please feel free to share the link with your prayer groups or churches. We will...
Young Leaders Gathering Lausanne
Jakarta, IndonesiaYounger Leaders Gathering 2016 03 Aug 2016 · 10 Aug 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia Join us in prayer Please join in praying for the Orality Team will present the Orality Component to the gathering. As we pray for our Orality Component Team, we join in prayer with...
Praying for Oral & Oral Bible-less Peoples in Sudan
Connecting in prayer for the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples in Sudan This month we are praying for the 23 People Groups of Sudan with NO SCRIPTURE (Written or Oral) No Written Scripture No Oral Scripture No JESUS film No Faith/Evangelical films No Christian Radio...
Praying for the Persecuted Church Every 5th Friday in 2016
PLAN to join with other pray-ers on the next 5th Friday Prayer for the PERSECUTED Church, coming up Fri., Sept 30th 9pm-9pm Sat., Oct. 1st.
Bible in 90 Days – Prayer Initiative
Bible in 90 Days - A different kind of prayer initiative Praying & Washing in the Word Daily for the last three months of the year. ASKING for Scripture and Scripture Access to be available for the Every & All. Bible in 90 Days –...
IDOP 2016 Two (2) Prayer Conference Calls to Join
Download the flyer here: IDOP 2016 Flyer IDOP 2016 Plan to join us for either one or both of this year's IDOP Prayer Calls. For full information as well as the links to dial in from other countries see the ION Prayer Post: The...
IDOP 2016 Join us in prayer!
IDOP 2016 Plan to join us for either one or both of this year's IDOP Prayer Calls. The dates are the first two (2) Sundays in November 2016. For full information as well as the links to dial in from other countries see the ION Prayer Post:...
Finishing the Task Conference 6-8 DEC. 2016
Saddleback Church 1 Saddleback Parkway, Lake Forest, CA, United StatesFinishing the Task Conference 2016 December 6-8, 2016 Saddleback Church Lake Forest, CA Register here: Pray with the ION Prayer Team for the upcoming Finishing the Task Conference Dec. 6-8th - Saddleback Church in California. Covering each one involved behind the scenes... covering...
5th Friday Prayer for the Persecuted 24 hour Call
Fri. 9pm (EST) thru Sat. 12/31 9pm (EST) Last 5th Friday of each month in 2016 24 hour Prayer Call for the Persecuted. We want to say thank you to all who have participated this year in this prayer initiative. God has heard our prayers.
Praying for the Oral & Oral Bible-less each month
Praying for: Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples Bible Translations Having the Bible translated into the local language is an important resource for reaching an unreached people group. The written word in their own language adds validity and acceptance to the message, as well as making...
Abiding in Prayer for the Persecuted Church – April 29th – 12 hr. Prayer Call
From your own phone Dial: 1+ (712) 775-7035 Access Code: 281207#Join as you are able. Saturday April 29, 2017 Dial: +1 712 - 775- 7035 Access Code: 281207# (Dial in to join the call) This is a 12 Hour Prayer Call, Note: You’re not required to commit to 12 hours. Come on the call and pray as your...
Praying for ION – JUNE, JULY & AUG 2017 ION Prayer Focus We are encouraged by the activity of God over ION around the globe. ION Prayer Focus Summer 2017 is ready for you! The NEW ION Prayer Focus is ready: Persistently prevailing,Linda Bemis International Orality Network Sr. Associate - Prayer Email: [email protected] Skype:...
Amplify – June 27-29, 2017
Pray for the Orality Component for the Amplify 2017 Conference being sponsored by the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism at Wheaton College in partnership with Mission America Coalition. Amplify is a 3-day event where we will reimagine an evangelism for our day that is winsome,...
Bible in 90 Days ION Prayer Initiative – OCT. 1st – DEC. 31st
Pray from your locationFor more info: To see the full OCT., NOV., & DEC. 2017 ION Prayer Focus - 90 Days Prayer Initiative:
DEC. 2017 ION Prayer Focus
Pray from your locationFor the DEC. 2017 ION Prayer Focus: In unity we pray. . . Luke 10:2 & Matthew 9:37-38, in united prayer we pray, Lord of the Harvest, SEND Your laborers into Your harvest field. Lord, close the gap in having Scripture for the Every & All. In...
JAN. 2018 ION Prayer Focus
January 2018 ION Prayer Focus Posted on January 3, 2018by ionprayerblog Happy New Year! We invite you to join in unity to pray this month as we welcome the King of Glory in 2018! You can read the entire JAN. 2018 ION Prayer Focus at: or on the...
FEB 2018 ION Prayer Focus
We invite everyone to link together for prayer each Thursday at 2pm EST GMT-5 Dial in: +1 (641) 552-9404 Code: 818908# The February 2018 ION Prayer Focus is ready, please pray alongside International Orality Network by clicking on this link: or on the ION Website If...
FPS Prayer Leaders Gathering
For those who are serving a Network, Organization, or Partners Groups in the area of Prayer Coordinator/Strategists. . . YOU are invited! Fellowship of Prayer Strategists/Ethne/ION are together hosting this Prayer Leader Gathering outside of the Orlando, FL USA area. The dates are Feb. 9-12,...
July-August 2018 ION Prayer Focus
Click the link to get to the entire post: JULY - AUGUST 2018 ION Prayer Focus: Please join to pray by clicking the link above or directly on the ION website:
SEPT 2018 ION Prayer Focus
Pray from your locationHere is the link for the September 2018 ION Prayer Focus: Here is a preview shot: Pray With Us!
OCT, NOV, DEC 2018 ION Prayer Focus – 90 Days Prayer Initiative
Pray from your locationThe new ION Prayer Focus for OCT, NOV, DEC 2018 is ready for you! OCT, NOV, DEC 2018 ION Prayer Focus View in its entirety at:
February 2019 Praise & Prayer Update
Join in united prayer together: Praise & Prayer Update We continue to ask God to allow us to understand how to pray for the oral communicators of the world. That is peoples who prefer to receive and share information by oral means and...
Pray with us: May 2019 ION Praise and Prayer Update
Pray from your locationThe May 2019 ION Praise and Prayer Update is ready for you. Please click here:
JULY-AUG 2019 Orality Network Praise and Prayer Update
Pray from your locationJoin to pray!
October – December 2019 ION Praise and Prayer Update
Pray from your locationOctober - December 2019 Praise and Prayer Update is now available: We invite you to join in united prayer each month with us!