
Latest Past Events

Discovering and learning oral teaching methods

WEC International Germany Hof Häusel 4, Eppstein

Orality is not merely about communicating verbally instead of writing, but it is about thinking patterns, what kind of information seems relevant and interesting, how is information remembered and how is it passed on to others. 70% of the world population are oral learners, either...


(POSTPONED) Arts for a Better Future – U.K.

All Nations Easneye, ,, Ware

You are invited to a week long arts course at All Nations college, in England, 12th - 17th July 2020. The aim is for you to be able help local communities draw on their artistic resources to help them respond to their spiritual, social and...

Bible Storytelling

Moorlands college 10 College Green, Gloucester

This week-long course is for you if you are interested in communicating God’s word to an oral culture through story crafting and Bible storying. It is run by Moorlands College, UK, but based in Gloucester this year. Date(s) 6 – 10 January 2020 (optional social...


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