ION Community Contributors’ Policy

The ION Community (also referred to as the “website”) is a multi-author online news and information portal that publishes articles, blogs, videos and other media produced by the members of the International Orality Network community, as well as guest contributors. The website provides a platform for various viewpoints, voices and perspectives. Nevertheless, ION Community reserves the right to edit and/or reject any content on the website, including comments entered by readers, that the staff deems objectionable, abusive, malicious, defamatory, hateful, blasphemous, obscene or legally objectionable.

The ION Community team strongly encourages contributors to submit content for publication to ensure that the submission complies with the standards mentioned above. The website provides an open public forum for people to respond to articles, either in the comments section below each article, or in a separate article. Typically, comments and responses will include critiques of what was previously written. Please restrict comments to what is written and avoid personal attacks, which could be construed as defamatory material. The ION Community team reserves the right to edit or delete personal references that are deemed divisive in keeping with the website’s goal to be an expression of unity and not division.

In addition, ION encourages contributors to be cognizant of intellectual property rights and copyrights belonging to other individuals or organizations. Material taken directly from other sources should be cited. ION will not assume responsibility for intellectual property right or copyright violations on the part of independent writers or speakers. Moreover, ION is not responsible or liable for content on third-party websites that are referenced either directly or indirectly on the website.

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