Roce Anog
Senior Associate Arts and Culture Gateway
Rocelyn F. Anog, is called Roce by her friends (pronounced like ‘rice’ or ‘race’ with an ‘o’). She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Music major in Music Education. She was a music teacher for more than 15 years, teaching music to students from the pre-school to the Seminary level. In 2009, sensing a call to serve cross-culturally, she took Ethnomusicology and the Arts courses in Payap University, Thailand, and has helped facilitate related courses and workshops since 2012. She is a member of Wycliffe Philippines and serving with SIL Philippines as the EthnoArts team leader. Through the local music and arts, they affirm and encourage underserved minority language groups, helping meet their church and/or community needs.