
Volume 6 Number 1

In August 2016, Samuel and I had the privilege of attending the Lausanne Young Leaders Gathering (YLG2016) in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Lausanne Movement is an international network committed to seeing the whole gospel taken to the whole world.

For this particular event, the Lausanne leadership brought together one thousand younger leaders from all over the world for one purpose: connection. The tagline for Lausanne, “connecting ideas and influencers for global mission,” captures the spirit of our time together as representatives from over 140 nations worshipped, dialogued, learned, and prayed together for each other, our families, our communities, our nations, and our world.

While such a missional event is worthy of consideration in its own right, upon reflection, the YLG2016 event was predominately and intentionally an oral communication experience. With the theme for this edition of the Orality Journal as language and culture, it seemed pertinent to offer an oral evaluation of such a multicultural and multilingual communication phenomenon.


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