
About a million Filipinos leave the country annually for economic and political reasons. This “brain-drain” and “brawn-drain” phenomenon through decades never diminished. Filipinos can be seen in more than 200 countries and soon all the countries of the world. Some have become permanent residents and adopted new citizenship while some are contractual overseas workers. There are about 15 million Filipinos overseas, which situates each one in places of opportunities for Great Commission engagement among oral Bibleless people groups. Where Filipinos go, they bring their faith with them and propagate it. This is in line with the prophetic declaration in the 80s that Filipinos are evangelists to the nations, which is continually being fulfilled and attested to by numerous accounts and stories upon stories of Gospel witness from the humble domestic helper to the high profile executives.

Through the International Orality Network we help catalyze the Philippine Church, mission organizations, biblical and theological seminaries, and associations of like-mind toward an understanding of the current state of missions and the strategic role of orality. The launching of ION Philippines has brought Bible societies, Bible translation organizations, mission organizations, various churches, the media and the academe to create an awareness for oral and bibleless Peoples of the world. Thus the orality movement in the Philippines has begun. We came to know individuals and organizations who are pursuing orality and through ION Philippines we now have a common and higher platform for a unified effort in orality engagement. Seminaries and mission schools have begun incorporating orality in their curriculum.

ION Philippines will continue to broaden its network and deepen its impact in the country, among the Filipinos in diaspora, as well as in neighboring countries of Southeast Asia. It is our desire to help eradicate Bible poverty among the oral Bibleless people groups of the world, so that they too can proclaim that Jesus is Lord!

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