Closed Countries in Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia
Gateway: Focused Outreach, Media | Keywords:
We've created an app for oral cultures called Press Bible. We do distribution really well already among majority people groups in Asia and are looking to expand our distribution services to upgs, specifically oral peoples. We need help connecting with content providers in the orality community to help them make their material available on an app for wide distribution. This practically looks like connecting key content providers with our developers here in Asia and helping share our vision for making their content available.
Content providers maintain full access to their material via back-end access into Press Bible. Our goal is to help field workers make their oral content (audio and video) available on our app for evangelism and discipleship.
We’re seeking partnership with content providers, namely those who are producing high quality orality-based content for their people groups.
If you’re looking for more information, we’re happy to connect and fill you in on the details for this project. Please contact us at [email protected].
We would like to hire two more full-time local software developers. A mid-level salary for an experienced developer is $1,100/mo, so we’re looking for an additional $2,200/mo. This would allow us to create an extremely high quality app with excellent reporting and quick bug fixes.
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