
What might it look like to be a part of the work of God as a prayer strategist?


The ION Prayer Team is looking at how to be an advocate to help others see the reality of the need for strategic prayer for Oral and Oral Bible-less People Groups. In helping others to see the need and in coming alongside them as is needed to make the shift. It has been said, “Every great move of God was birthed in a prayer movement.” we believe that goes directly back to the birthing of the Church with the disciples and the 120 praying in the Upper Room going into Pentecost.

Now going into 2016, our teams are asking God for a greater, more effective collaborative movement of prayer. It will need to be directed at getting prayer advocates and even prayer strategists in place for each of the least reached people groups and all of us need to work alongside each other. That need continues until we get to zero people groups, of those who still wait to hear the name of Jesus.

If you would like to connect, send an email to: [email protected]

[blockquote text="ION Prayer links with many others who have a heart to pray for those who still wait to hear the name of Jesus..." show_quote_icon="yes"]

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