
Dancing and Singing to the Lord

The Fiji Men’s Rugby team, against all odds, won the first ever Olympic Gold for their country in a Rugby sporting venue, which Fiji has not participated in since the 1924 Summer Olympic Games held in Paris.

Application 1: Arts Open Tibetan Hearts to the Gospel

A synthesizing of Tibetan cultural arts and the Christian message of hope enables Tibetans to believe in Jesus.

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Application 2: Connecting Faith and Arts in Bali

One Christian couple has blended art and relationships in their desire to see people in Bali transformed by their “artistic” Creator.

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Application 3: Community Engagement through Ethnodramatology

Dance, drama, and the blurring of the line between “performers” and “participants” are ways in which the presentation of the gospel is engaging local cultures.

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Application 6: Church Planting with Bible Storying and the Creative Arts

By combining storytelling with various artistic expressions, effective strategies are developing for communicating the gospel in culturally relevant ways.

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Application 8: A Balinese Painter Illustrates Biblical Characters

This dramatic case study seeks to explore the synthesising of Balinese culture, visual art, and biblical material.

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Application 10: Scriptural Impact through a Dramatic Reenactment

One village’s adaptation of their funeral ritual to reenact Jesus’ death on Good Friday lends power to their resurrection celebration on Easter.

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Application 11: Arts Enliven Scripture-based Storytelling

An organization has experienced the favor of God as a result of its commitment to oral communication strategies

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Application 12: Music Brings Comfort in Disaster Relief

The aroma of music enables those experiencing grief and despair to be reminded of life and hope.

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Application 13: Arts and Trauma Healing

This case study considers the power of the arts in enabling people’s expressions of grief, lament, and loss as well as ultimately their trust in God.

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