by ion-adminThe Deaf constitute a people unlike any other on earth. Mission scholars define them as a people group composed of profoundly Deaf men and women, usually Deaf at birth or before the acquisition of language, who use sign language as their preferred language ...
Read More by ion-adminBible translation has been around for centuries, with missionaries venturing out into people groups near and far to make God’s Word accessible. As we steadily count down the number of languages left without Scripture, a people group seems to have gone overl...
Read More by ion-adminSomething big is happening at Deaf Bible Society. They started as a project under Faith Comes By Hearing years ago, and have grown remarkably into a ministry all their own since then. JR Bucklew, President of the Deaf Bible Society, explains, “Our organiza...
Read More by Wycliffe UKDid you know that there are about 400 sign languages in the world and none of them yet have the whole of the Bible? Deaf Opportunity Outreach (DOOR) International, which has a centre in Kenya, is working to change this.