
What’s an endangered language?

Pandas. Elephants. Monarch butterflies. We’ve all heard of endangered species (especially the cute ones), and know there’s value in preserving them. But what about endangered languages?

The Need for Sign Language Bible Translation

Sign language is the heart language of the Deaf. Find out why, and how DOOR is working among multiple sign languages to give millions of Deaf people access to God's Word like never before.

Language – The Seven Disciplines of Orality

Gilles Gravelle talks about Language and Context

The Brain Makes the Difference

An intriguing look at how boys and girls learn, or not, and implications for the classroom and the expansion of the 4—14 movement.

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More Than Words: Linguistics, Language and Meaning

What is involved when we have mental images and pictures that are uttered and spoken and then written with meaning that are contextually framed?

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