by Jerry WilesAvery Willis and Henry Blackaby popularized the phrase “On Mission with God” several years ago through their books and other resource materials by that title. It has been a delight and tremendous blessing to have known and benefited from both of their lives...
Read More by Jerry WilesAvery Willis and Henry Blackaby popularized the phrase “On Mission with God” several years ago through their books and other resource materials by that title. It has been a delight and tremendous blessing to have known and benefited from both of their lives...
Read More by Jerry WilesA little more than 25 years ago I got to know a service station attendant and shared the Gospel with him. He told me about someone giving him a Bible a few years earlier. However, he had never read it, but began reading it and started sharing the Gospel wit...
Read More by Jerry WilesIn the Fall of 1975, in Memphis, Tennessee, I heard a message delivered by the late Pat Zondervan. I recently spoke on the content of Mr. Zondervan’s very memorable speech, which was based on the uniqueness and attributes of the Palm Tree, from Psalm 92:12,...
Read More by Jerry WilesIn many cases we need to define both Orality and Missiology. Orality is an ancient phenomenon that continues to the present. It is a reliance on spoken, or non-written communication and learning methods. Before writing was developed, cultures passed along t...
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