HOUSTON, TX (ANS) – In the Fall of 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit a large region of Southeast Texas. Millions of lives were impacted by the storm. Many of us were not flooded and had the opportunity to assist and serve others. There was an outpouring of compa...
Read MoreRodney Howard, center, teaching pastor at Salt and Light Church, Sumter, S.C. gathers bags of metal cans, broken appliances and scrap metal along with the help of Jerry Burke, a retired post office carrier. IMB Photo The 80-year-old man crawls halfway into ...
Read MoreWe are thrilled to invite you to our 2023 KIDStory Conference on February 24th and 25th. This is an event for those with a heart to disciple children and those serving in missions around the world! Between the two days, we have a variety of breakout session...
Read MoreTWR missionaries Tom and Elly Streeter spent 33 years serving in Monaco before relocating to TWR’s offices in the Netherlands and subsequently Cary, North Carolina. Both their daughters, Jennifer and Rachelle, were born in Monaco. It was the ultimate ...
Read MoreRecently, my wife and I were invited for brunch with friends who live on the other side of Tokyo. While walking from the station to their apartment, we searched for a shop where we could buy them a gift—something interesting, tasty, and not too expensive. W...
Read MoreThe Power of Personal, Relational Evangelism and Disciple Making Houston, TX (ANS) – After more than three decades of using orality-based methods and strategies with several churches, ministries and mission organizations, we’ve made some amazing discover...
Read MoreSo often over the years when I’ve had conversations with people about the Lord, I discover that someone else has already had some spiritual influence on them. They have had some exposure to the gospel.
Standing outside train stations, on street corners, and in neighborhood squares, IMB missionaries hold signs advertising “Free Pins.” When people stop, missionaries use the “bridge” trading pins to talk about grace, hope, love, community, and faith. With in...
Read MoreSpeaking to how important it is for children to have access to God’s Word in Iran, Zohreh says: “We didn’t hear stories of Jesus and the Bible on TV or at school. These kids are the future of this country, and they have to find God’s way – not the wrong way...
Read MoreIs it really so important that the retelling of the story is exact, word for word? We believe it is! What if someone is telling this story to a group of traditional, oral learners? They may be accustomed to the recitations of the dervish, the griot or the s...
Read MoreI met a man in Nashville while passing through a revolving door at an entrance to a downtown hotel. I smiled and greeted the man as he was exiting, and I was entering the hotel. Immediately the man turned around and followed me into the lobby to ask me a q...
Read MoreHow do you see persecution? According to Open Doors, 1 in 8 Christians worldwide experience persecution for their faith. That’s 1 in 8 of us whose faith can come at great cost — in some cases, even at the cost of life itself.
There are many African proverbs about mosquitos. One of those says, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.” Anyone who has done much international travel in the more tropical regions of the wor...
Read MoreIt would be a valuable exercise to consider what is meant by Disciple Making and Church. There is a growing awareness with many now for the need to focus more on disciple making, rather than church planting and church growth, although in many cases we’re ta...
Read MoreWhen followers of Jesus grasp the significance of being on mission with God, it can become a delight to share His life changing message with others. It’s also a great joy to be a part of a community where there is a tangible demonstration of love and unity...
Read MoreWhat is the Great Commission anyway? A recent study showed that a large percentage of church goers in North America did not know. A very simple summary of the Great Commission could be “communicating the Gospel to everyone” and “making disciples (follower...
Read MoreTitle: Director of Pastor Development Reports To: Senior Vice President of Field Ministry Position Status: Full Time; Support-Raised Salary: To Be Determined OVERVIEW: The Director of Pastor Development leads the program team, strategically align...
Read MoreI met Watt at a pastoral training event in his home country in East Africa. His lean face looked weather-beaten. My colleague Doug told several stories from the book of Acts, then asked the group, “Have any of you ever been persecuted for your faith in Chri...
Read MoreMany followers of Jesus in the United States go on mission trips during the summer months. The majority drive into Mexico. However, an increasing number travel to help a career missionary as they serve among an unreached people group.
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