
Youssef is searching for truth online

Youssef has questions about Jesus and Josh has truth about Him. But they live in separate areas of the same city without knowing the other exists. How can they connect? Many people in these areas are going online to ask spiritual questions—just like Youssef.

Global Bible Apps

God is limitless. Access to His Word, the Bible, should be too! The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to provide people everywhere with free access to God’s Word through Audio Bibles in every translated language.

The Bible like you have never experienced before

Whether in a home setting with just a smartphone, or in a 360˚ projection dome equipped with moving seats, wind, mist, scent, bubbles, snow, and flying actors, imagine experiencing the Bible as a participant in the great Story.

Scripture in your hands

SIL has developed a free tool for translators to get the precious Scriptures in the hands of the people quickly and cheaply.  Scripture App Builder helps anyone to build customized Scripture apps for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. 

There’s an App for That!

Ask someone what they imagine when they think of Bible translation, and they might describe a linguist sitting alone at a simple desk in a remote village, poring over a Bible word by word and writing or typing it into a local language.  While no less challe...

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3 Ways to Share Jesus Christ With Your Community

Have you ever had one of those moments where you know you should share Christ with someone but you aren’t sure how? Maybe you were in line at the grocery store and the cashier told you their day wasn’t going well. Perhaps you were at a friend’s house for di...

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An Instant Tool for Evangelism in Your Pocket

At the open day one of GRN's staff accessed on John's phone. Later that day John visited his 80 year old neighbor at Westmead Hospital. She sat up on the bed amazed and bewildered as John shared the gospel with her using his phone. The lady was s...

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Orality Bible Project

No Place Left are designing a Bible storybook for making disciples of people who cannot read. Each master icon illustrates the Bible story’s main idea and fuels the imagination.

Join the ION Community!

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