by Mark SnowdenWhile interviewing candidates for missionary service, one missionary couple came through who were church planting candidates for a mega-city in Northeast U.S. After getting to know each other a bit, I asked, "What are you going to do differently to address ...
Read More by Mark Snowden“Orality in America” is project of the Mission America Coalition. MAC is the USA arm of Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.
A workgroup of evangelical leaders have researched and written chapters on different aspects of orality. And most of the o...
Read More by Mark SnowdenYankelovich, a research company, provided the world with a study that said the average American was exposed to 5,000 advertising messages every day. Common sense says that we cannot process that much input. A study in 2014 by Media Dynamics, Inc., confirmed...
Read More by Mark SnowdenWhile I was leading a Bible Storying session on spiritual warfare, one woman spoke up and said, “I don’t have to worry
about spiritual warfare. I don’t witness, so Satan leaves me alone.”
What blessings this lady was missing in seeing others have a personal...
Read More by Mark SnowdenThe Orality Movement has strong roots. The past ten years have been particularly strong. We were getting organized and I wrote the following news release, which Mission Frontiers picked up and ran for its January-February 2004 edition. For those new to the ...
Read More by Mark SnowdenYour help is needed to put in a good word for orality, especially among the literate elite. Literates must take the responsibility of changing to relate to orals who cannot go the other way. Those who fall in the top 13% of American readerdom control publis...
Read More by Mark SnowdenPastors occasionally connect with me about evangelism and discipleship for their church. It was great talking with a church planter / preacher in another state recently regarding his attempt to preach hoping to disciple his congregation. Together, we contra...
Read MoreDownload File by Mark SnowdenThe Supremes’ lead singer, Diana Ross, pleaded with her man not to leave her and go to another woman. The lyrics of that 1965 hit cried, “Stop! In the name of love before you break my heart. Baby baby, I’m aware of where you go / Each time you leave my door...
Read MoreDownload File by Mark SnowdenDonald McGavran, a missiologist, defined the Homogeneous Unit Principle as “a section of society in which all members have some characteristic in common.” The global work in missions for people groups was built around the HUP. IMB defines a people group as ...
Read MoreDownload File by Mark SnowdenWhen you seek to meet the needs of others, how can you use Bible stories? Listening to people is the key. Trust that the Holy Spirit will bring Bible stories to mind, so listen to the Lord while listening to the person in need.
Download File by Mark SnowdenA missionary artist in West Africa taught me how to walk into a local market empty-handed and walk out with indigenous materials. She would look for scraps of fabric, discarded candy wrappers, plants with staining qualities useful for painting, and newsprin...
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