by TWRThat’s Sebastian Perez’s blunt yet understated explanation of how he comes to be writing on behalf of his community of Mayan evangelicals in southern Mexico. For most readers, it’s startling to hear about the forced deconversions, beatings, sexual abuse and...
Read More by FCBHOral people come from all walks of life: Perhaps you can read, but prefer to hear. Audio is how you best take in information. You would rather have a recording of a sermon or a school lesson than take notes because you absorb the points better that way.
by Jerry WilesThere are many African proverbs about mosquitos. One of those says, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.” Anyone who has done much international travel in the more tropical regions of the wor...
Read More by ion-adminWe are pleased to give advanced notification that the 2019 ION North American Region Conference with take place in Toronto, Oct. 3-5, 2019.
The theme for this year's conference will be '1 WORD 4 ALL - Embodying Jesus in a Post-Textual Society'
Please ...
Read More by ion-adminWe are pleased to give advanced notification of a consultation that will be held in Europe, in partnership with Oxford Centre for Missions Studies (OCMS), September 26-28, 2019 in Oxford, UK.
More details to follow.
by Jerry WilesPraying, Caring and Sharing: Surviving the Brussels Terrorist Attacks
By Jerry Wiles, President Emeritus, Living Water International, Special to ASSIST News Service