by ion-adminOn the outskirts of rural Paraguay, SIM workers Greg and Yvonne Cameron are spearheading an innovative programme that improves nutrition and aims to prevent human trafficking among indigenous communities. Since 2007, the Camerons have dedicated their lives ...
Read More by Whole Word InstituteLearning to read is a very different process if you don’t use sound. Sign languages like ASL are not word-for-word translations of written languages like English – the vocabulary, grammar, and the way you form a sentence are quite different. For this reason...
Read More by FCBHFaith Comes By Hearing has aligned itself with hundreds of churches, Bible Societies, and translation organizations to fulfill the Great Commission and make God's Word accessible to everyone who needs it by 2033. Like the Body of Christ, these ministries wo...
Read More by Scriptures In UseIs it really so important that the retelling of the story is exact, word for word? We believe it is! What if someone is telling this story to a group of traditional, oral learners? They may be accustomed to the recitations of the dervish, the griot or the s...
Read More by TWRThat’s Sebastian Perez’s blunt yet understated explanation of how he comes to be writing on behalf of his community of Mayan evangelicals in southern Mexico. For most readers, it’s startling to hear about the forced deconversions, beatings, sexual abuse and...
Read More by Wycliffe UKProclaimers – not the well-known Scottish band, but solar-powered digital audio players – are bringing the word of God to oral-based communities, and lives are being transformed as people hear the good news of Jesus in the language that speaks to them best....
Read More by Jerry WilesIn the summer of 1982, while on a road trip across the state of Kansas, I came upon a roadblock at a construction project. A flagman approached my car and explained that there would be about a 10-minute delay. After a brief exchange, I asked the worker, “...
Read More by ion-adminNot since Gutenberg developed the printing press has there been such a revolutionary means of spreading the gospel to people around the world. The Internet has eclipsed the influence of print, radio and television by putting the power to publish and broadca...
Read More by SAT7SAT-7 marked the day of Pentecost this year with an international festival of Christian film aired in collaboration with partner Life Agape. A slate of impactful Christian movies in Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi were broadcast across three channels on Sunday 2...
Read More by IMBJames, a pastor in a war-torn country, went to prison for two years. His crime: sharing his faith. But even imprisonment couldn’t stop him from telling the story that had changed his life.
by Davar PartnersMarch 2021 marks the completion of our first audio Bible recordings for the people of South Sudan. Of the nearly 12.6 million people, 73% of the population is illiterate, and half live below the poverty line. Educational attainment is extremely poor due to ...
Read More by ion-adminFor those desiring to use literacy or English teaching to reach others for Christ, here is some inexpensive, effective and easy-to use material based on 30 Bible stories. It was designed for prison use, and is being used in four or five states to get indivi...
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