2018 North American Regional Conference

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2018 North American Regional Conference

September 17, 2018 @ 1:00 pm - September 19, 2018 @ 4:00 pm EDT

We are eagerly anticipating all the Lord has in store for this year’s ION North America Conference in Orlando, September 17-19, 2018.  “Orality:  Many Applications – One Mandate” is our theme.  While there are numerous applications and aspects of the Orality domain, the one mandate, which is the heart of what we are about, is the Great Commission -  communicating the Gospel and making disciples, but doing so in ways that are biblical, universal, cross-cultural and reproducible.

Who should attend?

Whether you are a veteran Orality practitioner, trainer or scholar, or, if you are just now hearing about Orality for the first time, there will be something for everyone:

  • Pastors, missionaries, church leaders/teachers
  • Children and youth workers
  • Business professionals, educators and students
  • Mission trip participants, community outreach leaders

What will I learn?

Much of what we are learning is actually how the Gospel spread throughout the entire populated world in the First Century, and getting back to the roots of the Church. Jesus told stories as He taught. The Apostles and the Early Church used oral methods to reach millions. Research show Orality is one of the most effective ways that people have learned, communicated and processed information from the beginning of time.

How will I use the information?

In spite of our highly educated society in the West, US government statistics show that more than 50% are oral preference learners and communicators. Orality enables us to cross every barrier and border on the planet and these methods are now being effectively used in short-term mission trips, business as mission, prison ministries and outreach to immigrants and internationals. Research is now proving Orality methods are effective in family devotions, oral inductive Bible studies, fostering unity and cooperation within local congregations and among church leaders.

Is Orality effective?

There is a growing recognition of the benefits of Orality methods and strategies right here in the North American context.  You’ll be exposed to examples and impact stories of how it’s working in churches and communities in the region, as well as learning about the latest in research and practices.

What's next?

Use the button below to register or find out the latest information.

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Register Now at ionevents.org


If you have any other questions please contact us at [email protected]


September 17, 2018 @ 1:00 pm EDT
September 19, 2018 @ 4:00 pm EDT
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Wyndham Orlando International Hotel
8001 International Drive
Orlando, FL United States
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