Avoiding the Common Mistake of “Comparison”

By Scriptures In Use

Why, when we receive a financial or other type of material gift do we compare it to what one of our friends or family members might have received?  The thought or action of “comparison” is such a mistake and is brought about by selfish greed, not a web you want to be trapped in, especially as followers of Jesus.  Comparison isn’t part of God’s Kingdom.

Scriptures In Use’s field workers tell a number of incredible Biblical Stories from what we call our Parables Collection. The collection is found in “Bridges 2” Orality curriculum training. One of my favorites is the Workers in the Vineyard [found in Matthew 20:1-16 (NIV).]  At the end of the day, when the workers all had received the same amount of pay for their time and effort;  one denarius, the comparison, grumbling, and complaining began…

The Lord distinctly addresses that it is He who determines who or what a person will receive and it is His decision and His decision alone:

15 “Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”  Matthew 20: 15-16 (NIV)

How does this Biblical story apply to Avoiding the Common Mistake of “Comparison” and what does this teaching mean for each of us?

“STOP ‘comparing’ dear brothers and sisters!” as grandpa would say. It’s truly a waste of time and what the evil one, Satan, wants us to do.  Don’t listen to the evil one’s whispers and lies of what you think you deserve or what you have earned.  Thank God for what He has compassionately and generously provided for each of us.

Ultimately with our sinful nature, we deserve nothing but His wrath.  BUT God in His mercy and grace while we were yet sinners sacrificed His one and only begotten Son. This act provided for us, forever forgiveness and redemption of our sins and the guarantee to spend eternity with Him as co-heirs with Jesus Christ.  What more do we need?  Nothing, we need nothing, only Him and His sovereign compassion and grace.  So let’s quit comparing, grumbling, and complaining.  He has so much more in store for us if we focus on Him and His eternal Kingdom alone.


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