ION Praise & Prayer Update

Exciting News from ION:

We invite you to pick up your copy of the new ION book, “Praying for the Oral and Oral Bibleless People Groups” which is now available in print and in a free digital version.

The print copy format is offered in print on demand for an “at cost” amount. There are two different versions: $10 for “Full Color” & $7 for “B&W” available for purchase on Amazon:

Orality website pic Praying for the Oral and Oral Bibleless

For those of you who prefer the digital eBook version is it available for free on the ION website:

Check out these recent posts:

International Orality Network -Influencing the body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners –80% of the world (5.7 billion) are oral communicators and of that group 1/2 are children!

Join as well to pray for all the Events posted.

Connect to ION Prayer: 

Donna Manor

Sr. Associate for Prayer

[email protected]

UUPG Prayer Adoption Presentation

Lord, teach us to pray: 

Here is a link to the ION Prayer Power Point Presentation (ppt)

You are welcome to use it  to share about the need for prayer for Oral Peoples, UUPGs, UPGs & Bible-less oral peoples:

[button size="medium" icon="fa-download" target="_self" hover_type="default" text="Download Presentation" link=""]

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