A Life Changed While Recording the Gikuyu Audio Bible

By Davar Partners

Davar Partners is recording the Gikuyu Old Testament at the Trans World Radio studio in Nairobi, Kenya, in partnership with the Bible Society of Kenya.

We were at the studio in late 2019 during a recording session and met David, one of the voices of the Gikuyu audio Bible. As were were talking, David shared how his reading and voicing of the scriptures was changing him. He grew up in a Christian home and had attended church as a young boy, but had stopped attending church with his family.

He had begun to rethink his beliefs and change his actions and attitudes towards others. This is a testament to how God's Word transforms lives. We are excited that the Gikuyu audio Bible will soon be available to the more than 6.6 million Gikuyu speakers in Kenya. The Gikuyu are the largest ethnic tribe in Kenya generally found living in Nairobi and Kenya's Central Province. They often work as large-scale farmers growing major cash crops of tea and coffee.

Please watch this two minute video to hear David's story of transformation. Please also pray that the Gikuyu audio Bible will bring similar transformation to all those who hear it.


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